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Based on a long experience of lecturing at the University of Hamburg and by training employees of different companies we got extensive experience in the execution of trainings and education. Regarding the content of the offered courses it goes without saying that we take into account your specific needs. We offer trainings in the following areas:

  • Risk Management
  • Financial Instruments
  • Basel III
  • Investment and financing
  • Project Finance
  • Statistics

Training in the area of risk management could look like the following (based on trainings for Junior Managers of a bank):

  1. 1.Executive Summary
  2. Introduction – What is Risk?
  3. Risk Management Process
    1. Overview
    2. a)Identification
    3. Analysis
    4. Measurement
    5. a)Reporting
    6. Management
    7. Monitoring
  4. Prominent Risk Management Failures in the Financial Industry
  5. Lessons Taught by Risk Management Failures
  6. Example: XY Bank's Approach to Risk Management
  7. Conclusions
  8. References

This duration of the course above is one day. The training could be extended to one week if it includes instruments for financial risk management and its use.

Brunkhorstweg 5
22525 Hamburg
Phone 040.540 56 15